Christmas Card
We’ve created a few options for Christmas cards and wishing your volunteers, donors, and core team members a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

Printable Card
Download the PDF file to upload to your stock Christmas Card companies to have printed through places like Vistaprint. You can then fill in the back side or inside. We have a stock message that you can use if you wish below to copy and paste or use as a starting point for your own message.

Digital Card
We’ve also created a Hubspot email template that you can use to send out to your volunteers, sponsors and others, via Hubspot. We’ve added a standard message with spots to update number of beds, number of kids your chapter did this year and your chapter name. You do not have to use our stock message and can change the text easily. We’ll add some how to for those that might not be that familiar with sending Hubspot emails to the Christmas Card Dashboard page. A how to walk through to creating a Hubspot email Christmas Card can be found here. Remember if you are adding a photo inside the email to adjust the width to no bigger that 560 pixels or you email will be messed up.
Stock Message for Christmas Card
(copy and paste text below)
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
The Holidays are about decorating cookies and trees and about hanging stockings and tinsel. They’re about busy stores, work parties, and finding those hushed moments when the choir begins, “O Holy Night.” Most of all, the Holidays are about love. A very special thanks to all our volunteers who have made it possible for us to build [XXX] beds and share our love with [XXX] children this year so that they can Sleep in Heavenly Peace this holiday season!
From the entire [ST-CHAPTER NAME] family of SHP,
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!