Our goal at SHQ is to provide you and your chapters with all the support you need (including all the support you don’t know you need). As you can imagine, it’s a lot of work for our volunteer team to help our volunteer teams.

Grants Status Report
Find out the status of your grant.
This report is updated every Monday.
Grants and Corporate Donation Requests
Do you have a Grant or Corporate Donation you are interested in for your Chapter? Email or Call the Grants Team first.
Grants Status Report
Find out the status of your grant.
This report is updated every Monday.
Grants Process
SHP and its chapters operate under one EIN (consider this as you would a Social Security number for tax filing purposes). So rather than operate with 275 (currently) Tax ID numbers, we operate under one designated umbrella for the entire organization.
Although SHQ provides a ton of autonomy for each Chapter to operate, the SHP Grants proposal process is centralized, which ultimately translates to the Grants Team prepares and submits all (local and national) grant opportunities and corporate donation requests on behalf of your Chapter.
A few of the many benefits to Chapter Leadership and Core Teams of having a grants team on standby at your disposal:
- Transparency and continuity: Your SHP Grants team oversees the grants process to ensure that we convey complete transparency to our potential funders by providing accurate and the most up-to-date information as they request it from us.
- Overlap prevention and Strategy: the Grants Team strategizes the best way to approach every proposal and maximize the opportunity to fulfill our mission and provide even MORE children with a bed of their own to sleep each night.
- The grants team has ALL the information at our fingertips to effectively and efficiently complete grant proposals. You don’t have to chase a dozen different people within to get the 990 form, the Board of Directors contact list and affiliations, the Annual Audit, etc., to name a few. Just Build the Beds!
- We have the software to Ninja search for grants specific to your local area and the SHP mission.
- Budgets: They can be a nightmare, and we’ve seen them all.
- Who has time for them anyway? Grant proposals depending on the complexity, can take 3 hours to 3 days to 3 months.
- Collaboration: The SHP grants proposal process is very collaborative between the chapter leadership and the Grants Team. We recognize that there is always a local element to nearly every proposal. Therefore, we strive to provide a specific narrative in the proposals representing your local Chapter and your local leadership and core team. Thus, when you, someone on your core team, a volunteer, friend, or family member come across a grant opportunity for your Chapter, please reach out to me ( or 208-914-0937) first.
Jan Spackman
Grants Program Manager