Pajamas Across America (PAA)
Pajamas Across America is designed to be a school fundraiser aligned with Giving Tuesday that will provide an influx of additional funding for your chapter. Since there is a fair amount of work to be done during the execution phase, it is highly recommended that you recruit a small core team to work together on this fundraiser.
We’ve added new materials to help your chapter have succss with PAA and make it fun and easy to get your commuity involved.
Parent/Teacher poster for school email to be shard with parents. There’s a location to type in the donation amount in the paragraph.
You’ll need to download first and open in Adobe Acrobat to use this donation amount field, then print or share. (downloadable & print PDF)
School Posters to hang at school and in classrooms (downloadable & print PDF)
Corporate school sponsorship flyer (shareable & printable PDF)
PAA Kickoff Materials
This information below is for SHP interanl purposes only and not to be shard with sponsors.
A tracking sheet SHQ of all participating chapters and their progress for PAA.
A tracking sheet for your PAA fundraising event.
Presentation Deck from Kickoff meeting May 5, 2022